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S3-League Season 9 - Round 01 Race (replay) download
Version LfS 0.6T XFG SO6
Time 10.02.2019, 20:00:24
Distance 32 Laps (93.34 km)
Daytime Afternoon
Weather Clear
Wind No Wind
Statistics Tables

Race Result

Pos. (Start) Name Laps Total Time Gap [s] Stops Open Penalties Best Lap Leading Laps LH AU SH BH AC CV ST
17 of 17 cars finished the race.
1 (±0) THR Mazdarati/1 32 45:15.90 1 - 1:23.56 13 (20-32) X X W
2 (+1) Ayoub_MaRoC/2 32 + 0.85 1 - 1:23.69 0 X M
3 (-1) B2spiky /1 32 + 1.47 + 0.62 1 - 1:23.56 19 (1-19) X M
4 (+1) B2Rejekt/3 32 + 8.86 + 7.39 1 - 1:23.65 0 X X M
5 (+4) 9397 /3 32 + 21.46 + 12.60 1 - 1:23.96 0 X X W
6 (-2) || Jeff/1 32 + 22.68 + 1.22 1 - 1:23.75 0 X M
7 (±0) M@CI3K /2 32 + 24.42 + 1.74 1 - 1:24.15 0 X X M
8 (-2) Camoradi/1 32 + 26.51 + 2.09 1 - 1:23.89 0 X X W
9 (+2) Deivi/2 32 + 44.16 + 17.65 1 - 1:24.68 0 X X W
10 (-2) THR Daniel /1 32 + 46.35 + 2.19 1 - 1:24.08 0 X X W
11 (+2) RTSW ICE /2 32 + 1:00.41 + 14.06 1 - 1:24.93 0 X X X W
12 (±0) RTSW Ghost /2 32 + 1:01.55 + 1.14 1 - 1:24.78 0 X X X W
13 (-3) Boer Tarrel /3 32 + 1:06.87 + 5.32 1 - 1:24.62 0 X X X W
14 (+2) Bingo Wings/2 32 + 1:15.64 + 8.77 1 - 1:25.40 0 X X W
15 (+2) BoB the Bike /3 32 + 1:19.60 + 3.96 1 - 1:25.12 0 X X X W
16 (-2) Migpha/2 31 + 1 Lap + 1 Lap 1 - 1:24.96 0 X X W
17 (-2) William/3 31 + 1 Lap + 6.29 1 - 1:25.49 0 X W


Name Lap Work Time [s] Total
17 cars made 17 pitstops with a total time of 40.55
M@CI3K /2 12 2_0_0 1.39 1.39
Deivi/2 20 2_0_0 1.39 1.39
B2spiky /1 20 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
RTSW ICE /2 10 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
Boer Tarrel /3 12 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
BoB the Bike /3 11 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
THR Mazdarati/1 22 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
THR Daniel /1 20 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
|| Jeff/1 18 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
Ayoub_MaRoC/2 21 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
Camoradi/1 10 2_0_0 1.40 1.40
B2Rejekt/3 20 2_0_0 1.41 1.41
9397 /3 19 2_0_0 1.99 1.99
RTSW Ghost /2 11 2_0_0 2.38 2.38
Migpha/2 20 131074_0_0 2.53 2.53
Bingo Wings/2 10 131074_0_0 2.70 2.70
William/3 18 10402_15_0 14.16 14.16

Average Lap and Stability

Name Average Lap Stability
Sort: Time Veloc. [km/h] Laps Difference [s]
First lap isn't considered for std. deviation.
Ayoub_MaRoC/2 1:24.90 123.69 32 2.39
THR Mazdarati/1 1:24.87 123.73 32 2.46
B2spiky /1 1:24.92 123.66 32 2.56
M@CI3K /2 1:25.64 122.62 32 2.58
B2Rejekt/3 1:25.15 123.32 32 2.59
|| Jeff/1 1:25.58 122.70 32 2.62
Deivi/2 1:26.25 121.75 32 2.71
9397 /3 1:25.54 122.76 32 2.75
Camoradi/1 1:25.70 122.53 32 2.92
RTSW ICE /2 1:26.76 121.04 32 3.22
Bingo Wings/2 1:27.24 120.37 32 3.29
BoB the Bike /3 1:27.36 120.20 32 3.51
RTSW Ghost /2 1:26.80 120.99 32 3.53
Migpha/2 1:27.96 119.38 31 3.94
THR Daniel /1 1:26.32 121.65 32 4.02
Boer Tarrel /3 1:26.96 120.75 32 4.18
William/3 1:28.16 119.11 31 5.74

Sector Times

Name Best Sector 1 Best Sector 2 Best Possibe Lap Best Lap
Sort: Time Gap [s] Lap Time Gap [s] Lap Time Gap [s] Time Gap [s] Lap
Combined Best Lap: 1:23.41
THR Mazdarati/1 39.44 0.10 26 44.07 --- 32 1:23.51 0.05 1:23.56 --- 32
B2spiky /1 39.35 0.01 29 44.14 0.07 32 1:23.49 0.07 1:23.56 --- 15
B2Rejekt/3 39.56 0.22 32 44.09 0.02 32 1:23.65 --- 1:23.65 0.09 32
Ayoub_MaRoC/2 39.34 --- 26 44.27 0.20 16 1:23.61 0.08 1:23.69 0.13 18
|| Jeff/1 39.52 0.18 6 44.14 0.07 32 1:23.66 0.09 1:23.75 0.19 32
Camoradi/1 39.41 0.07 25 44.36 0.29 31 1:23.77 0.12 1:23.89 0.33 31
9397 /3 39.45 0.11 11 44.43 0.36 18 1:23.88 0.08 1:23.96 0.40 30
THR Daniel /1 39.43 0.09 16 44.63 0.56 26 1:24.06 0.02 1:24.08 0.52 26
M@CI3K /2 39.47 0.13 24 44.55 0.48 31 1:24.02 0.13 1:24.15 0.59 24
Boer Tarrel /3 39.55 0.21 19 44.89 0.82 29 1:24.44 0.18 1:24.62 1.06 29
Deivi/2 39.70 0.36 5 44.90 0.83 25 1:24.60 0.08 1:24.68 1.12 5
RTSW Ghost /2 39.62 0.28 10 45.16 1.09 30 1:24.78 --- 1:24.78 1.22 30
RTSW ICE /2 39.70 0.36 30 45.14 1.07 28 1:24.84 0.09 1:24.93 1.37 7
Migpha/2 39.74 0.40 20 45.09 1.02 12 1:24.83 0.13 1:24.96 1.40 12
BoB the Bike /3 39.79 0.45 18 45.14 1.07 24 1:24.93 0.19 1:25.12 1.56 24
Bingo Wings/2 39.82 0.48 20 45.35 1.28 26 1:25.17 0.23 1:25.40 1.84 26
William/3 39.83 0.49 9 45.56 1.49 21 1:25.39 0.10 1:25.49 1.93 26


Name Yellows Caused Blues Seen
7 cars caused 11 yellow and 2 cars got 7 blue flags.
Camoradi/1 1 0
THR Daniel /1 2 0
RTSW ICE /2 1 0
RTSW Ghost /2 1 0
Boer Tarrel /3 1 0
Migpha/2 3 3
William/3 2 4


Name Lap Description
1 cars got a total of 1 penalties.
Migpha/2 20 DT (Speeding)
23 DT Cleared

Lap by Lap Analysis

Lap THR Mazdarati/1 Ayoub_MaRoC/2 B2spiky /1 B2Rejekt/3 9397 /3 || Jeff/1 M@CI3K /2 Camoradi/1 Deivi/2 THR Daniel /1 RTSW ICE /2 RTSW Ghost /2 Boer Tarrel /3 Bingo Wings/2 BoB the Bike /3 Migpha/2 William/3
Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph Player Graph
Total 45:15.90 45:16.75 45:17.37 45:24.76 45:37.36 45:38.58 45:40.32 45:42.41 46:00.06 46:02.25 46:16.31 46:17.45 46:22.77 46:31.54 46:35.50 45:26.81 45:33.10
+ 0.85 + 1.47 + 8.86 + 21.46 + 22.68 + 24.42 + 26.51 + 44.16 + 46.35 + 1:00.41 + 1:01.55 + 1:06.87 + 1:15.64 + 1:19.60 + 1 Lap + 1 Lap
100%: 1:23.56 101%: 1:24.39 103%: 1:26.06 105%: 1:27.73 107%: 1:29.40 >107%: >1:29.40 Pitstop Takeover Penalty Lap Rejoin
1 1:35.18 1:35.28 1:34.22 1:36.82 1:37.76 1:36.19 1:37.89 1:38.79 1:38.53 1:38.00 1:39.94 1:39.41 1:38.17 1:41.47 1:41.87 1:40.07 1:40.60
2 1:24.73 1:25.11 1:24.41 1:24.90 1:25.20 1:25.21 1:25.75 1:26.83 1:26.88 1:27.26 1:26.81 1:27.21 1:27.31 1:27.47 1:27.17 1:27.21 1:28.12
3 1:24.15 1:24.50 1:24.16 1:24.94 1:24.44 1:25.15 1:24.59 1:26.30 1:25.72 1:41.32 1:26.59 1:26.41 1:25.92 1:27.05 1:27.56 1:35.88 1:26.34
4 1:23.95 1:23.87 1:24.09 1:25.53 1:25.78 1:26.27 1:25.33 1:25.93 1:25.37 1:27.75 1:25.39 1:25.44 1:25.84 1:26.45 1:26.28 1:28.33 1:26.03
5 1:23.88 1:23.76 1:23.81 1:24.09 1:24.83 1:24.64 1:25.59 1:24.73 1:24.68 1:25.08 1:25.53 1:27.26 1:24.91 1:26.08 1:26.22 1:25.81 1:25.99
6 1:23.98 1:23.88 1:24.23 1:24.14 1:24.72 1:25.35 1:24.40 1:25.27 1:25.12 1:24.43 1:25.50 1:25.50 1:43.43 1:26.33 1:26.39 1:25.49 1:26.39
7 1:23.97 1:23.87 1:24.16 1:24.27 1:24.39 1:24.76 1:24.81 1:24.47 1:25.03 1:24.78 1:24.93 1:25.48 1:25.12 1:25.81 1:26.23 1:25.79 1:25.66
8 1:24.03 1:23.95 1:23.79 1:24.16 1:24.24 1:24.66 1:25.19 1:24.50 1:25.04 1:25.07 1:25.51 1:25.56 1:24.98 1:25.84 1:25.86 1:26.16 1:26.70
9 1:24.04 1:24.03 1:24.23 1:24.20 1:24.06 1:24.57 1:24.35 1:25.27 1:25.54 1:24.88 1:25.78 1:25.58 1:24.76 1:26.08 1:25.76 1:25.47 1:26.20
10 1:23.95 1:24.04 1:23.86 1:23.97 1:24.38 1:24.31 1:24.82 1:38.59 1:25.43 1:24.48 1:40.98 1:25.28 1:25.82 1:42.81 1:26.44 1:25.89 1:27.04
11 1:23.86 1:24.09 1:23.89 1:24.12 1:24.32 1:24.65 1:24.65 1:32.00 1:25.39 1:24.35 1:34.42 1:44.14 1:26.23 1:32.87 1:44.50 1:25.51 1:26.41
12 1:23.87 1:23.76 1:24.28 1:23.96 1:24.56 1:24.56 1:37.79 1:25.15 1:25.16 1:25.48 1:26.58 1:31.62 1:39.55 1:26.51 1:31.21 1:24.96 1:27.74
13 1:23.95 1:23.94 1:23.96 1:24.00 1:24.32 1:24.88 1:29.96 1:24.26 1:25.38 1:24.45 1:25.62 1:25.45 1:30.74 1:25.97 1:25.87 1:25.47 1:25.83
14 1:24.18 1:24.16 1:24.02 1:23.99 1:24.24 1:24.40 1:24.56 1:24.96 1:25.08 1:24.26 1:25.78 1:25.71 1:25.67 1:25.84 1:25.66 1:26.22 1:26.20
15 1:24.03 1:24.15 1:23.56 1:23.99 1:24.39 1:24.17 1:24.37 1:24.77 1:24.93 1:24.47 1:25.70 1:25.66 1:25.15 1:25.87 1:25.85 1:25.86 1:27.04
16 1:23.77 1:23.84 1:23.78 1:23.84 1:24.28 1:24.37 1:24.70 1:24.37 1:25.23 1:24.63 1:25.66 1:25.47 1:25.79 1:25.90 1:26.50 1:25.85 1:25.92
17 1:23.86 1:23.81 1:23.96 1:24.00 1:24.48 1:24.48 1:24.26 1:24.27 1:25.10 1:24.58 1:25.39 1:25.77 1:24.92 1:25.80 1:29.09 1:25.20 1:26.07
18 1:23.89 1:23.69 1:23.78 1:24.04 1:24.01 1:38.18 1:24.68 1:24.05 1:25.71 1:24.32 1:25.11 1:25.14 1:26.68 1:26.34 1:25.61 1:26.69 1:56.38
19 1:24.07 1:23.92 1:23.79 1:24.02 1:38.72 1:29.49 1:24.76 1:24.13 1:24.70 1:24.44 1:25.30 1:25.46 1:25.14 1:26.90 1:26.19 1:25.60 1:35.55
20 1:23.79 1:24.16 1:37.07 1:37.31 1:29.95 1:24.78 1:24.84 1:24.02 1:39.13 1:38.96 1:25.28 1:25.06 1:25.59 1:25.58 1:26.72 1:40.92 1:26.19
21 1:23.72 1:35.90 1:29.76 1:29.75 1:24.35 1:25.28 1:24.54 1:24.22 1:30.56 1:30.16 1:25.40 1:25.88 1:24.99 1:26.02 1:25.51 1:32.22 1:25.68
22 1:36.48 1:29.88 1:24.05 1:24.01 1:24.43 1:24.72 1:24.42 1:24.28 1:25.67 1:24.17 1:25.53 1:25.58 1:25.39 1:25.49 1:25.48 1:36.21 1:25.64
23 1:29.52 1:24.10 1:24.31 1:24.30 1:24.52 1:24.67 1:24.54 1:24.06 1:25.43 1:24.51 1:25.14 1:25.82 1:25.00 1:25.45 1:25.51 1:31.83 1:26.40
24 1:23.90 1:24.16 1:24.23 1:24.21 1:24.61 1:24.33 1:24.15 1:24.07 1:25.54 1:24.40 1:25.13 1:25.23 1:25.21 1:25.56 1:25.12 1:25.86 1:26.05
25 1:23.77 1:23.92 1:23.70 1:23.97 1:24.96 1:24.05 1:24.39 1:23.98 1:24.94 1:24.36 1:26.87 1:25.44 1:25.36 1:25.91 1:25.92 1:25.05 1:29.31
26 1:23.98 1:24.03 1:24.60 1:23.98 1:24.60 1:25.19 1:24.17 1:24.19 1:25.15 1:24.08 1:25.48 1:25.46 1:25.19 1:25.40 1:25.54 1:25.51 1:25.49
27 1:23.99 1:23.82 1:24.26 1:24.31 1:24.42 1:24.66 1:24.89 1:24.10 1:24.73 1:24.67 1:25.21 1:25.34 1:24.87 1:25.81 1:26.07 1:28.77 1:25.56
28 1:24.17 1:23.76 1:24.03 1:24.19 1:24.41 1:24.25 1:24.39 1:24.16 1:24.96 1:24.46 1:24.95 1:25.60 1:25.31 1:25.94 1:25.51 1:26.14 1:28.49
29 1:23.93 1:23.75 1:23.87 1:24.21 1:24.29 1:24.05 1:24.45 1:24.34 1:25.17 1:24.35 1:25.26 1:25.07 1:24.62 1:26.04 1:26.00 1:25.19 1:25.96
30 1:23.97 1:23.83 1:24.20 1:24.04 1:23.96 1:24.45 1:24.53 1:24.18 1:24.77 1:24.94 1:25.08 1:24.78 1:25.49 1:25.51 1:26.33 1:25.34 1:25.70
31 1:23.78 1:23.74 1:23.74 1:23.85 1:24.71 1:24.11 1:24.33 1:23.89 1:25.12 1:24.57 1:25.22 1:25.13 1:24.75 1:25.94 1:26.10 1:26.31 1:26.42
32 1:23.56 1:24.05 1:23.57 1:23.65 1:25.03 1:23.75 1:24.23 1:24.28 1:24.87 1:24.59 1:25.24 1:25.51 1:24.87 1:25.50 1:25.43    

Lap by Lap Chart (click to enlarge)

Race Progress Chart (click to enlarge)